Sunday, 13 May 2012

Day 4 Chelsea build

I allowed myself a later start as it's my birthday then finished marking out the location of all the tiles on the plywood and watered all trees with copious amounts of water as it really is very hot today. The ground is caking over and needs forking over to allow the water to the roots. Our water supply is switched on which is a relief as my plants all arrive tomorrow.

The team fix on the Panache tiles onto the inner curve but my 'code' for the colours causes some confusion when I write it on the plywood wall. They are called Cream (C), Fudge (F), and Chocolate (which I call B for brown). We end up calling them light medium and dark after lots of other names such as Praline, Toblerone, and Terry's All Gold! I make a point of breaking up the joints for a naturalistic feel.

We stop for several coffees and chocolate (which seems to be the theme for the day) and birthday cake which seems to go down well. It's nice to make today feel different as the days all seem to merge together and I forget which day of the week it is!

I mark the path out again and the team lay the Panache chocolate (B, Dark) smooth slabs roughly over the lines ready to cut tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. This looks amazing. Good luck with it all. Rosie x
